
मउवासंघ/पश्चिमी क्षेत्र समिति, मनहरि

मउवासंघ/पश्चिमी क्षेत्र समिति, मनहरि

क्र.सं. नाम   पदसम्पर्क नम्बर फोटो
 १ गणेशमान मानन्धरसभापति9855067995
नारायण सुबेदी निवर्तमान सभापति9855067194
रामचन्द्र उप्रेतीवरिष्ठ उपसभापति9855068412  
Ramchandra Upreti
 ४पदम बहादुर तितुङ्ग महासचिव9845239309  Padam Bahadur Titung
जलालदिन मियाकोषाध्यक्ष9855060786  Jalal Din Miya
बेदमणि सेढाईसचिव9845032491 Bedmani Sedai
शंकर प्रसाद कालाखेतीसचिव 9845438646 
Shankar Pd Kalakheti
चन्द्रमणि पाठकसहकोषाध्यक्ष9845087133  
Chandramani Pathak
पशुपति बर्तौलासदस्य 9855069880 Pashupati Bartaula
१०अनिता थिङ्ग कर्माचार्य सदस्य9845035795  
Anita Karmacharya
११बिष्णुराम कालाखेती सदस्य9845288328  
Bishnu Pd Kalakheti
१२दिपक प्रसाद रिमालसदस्य9845038622  
Dipak Pd Rimal

१३चुडामणि गिरीसदस्य9845055869  Chudamani Giri
१४हिमशिखर ब्लोनसदस्य 9845150298  
Himshikhar Bhlon
१५कृष्णराम श्रेष्ठसदस्य9815266000  Krishna Prasad Shrestha
१६योगेश रिजालसदस्य9855074598  
Yogesh Rijal
१७शिब शंकर स्याङ्गतानसदस्य9855067685  
Shiva Shankar Syangtang
१८एकराज कालाखेतीसदस्य9855067454   Akraj Kalakheti
१९प्रेम कुमार श्रेष्ठसदस्य 9845240440 Prem Kumar Shrestha
 २०तारा कुमारी सुवेदी  सदस्य9845065778   Tara Ku Subedi
  २१ गोविन्द बर्ताैला  सदस्य 9845072842 
Govinda Bartaula

 कर्मचारी विवरण

क्र.सं. नाम   पदसम्पर्क नम्बर फोटो
 १ विकास शाहलेखापाल9862456417 

Welcome to Our Website

Introduction: With the goal of overall development for the district through professional rights, welfare and the promotion of entrepreneurs of trade and industry, the Makawanpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI) was begun in 1966 (2023 BS).

MCCI is a representative organization of the private sector business community in the district. MCCI is a non-political, non-government and non-profit oriented organization aimed at the promotion of trade and Industry.

MCCI is committed to the promotion of commerce and industry in the region as well as the overall economic development of the country. MCCI has made significant contributions to trade and Industry in Makawanpur.

The organization has also been active in the field of social services for public benefit, receiving help and assistance from all public and private sectors. MCCI is an active affiliated member of the Federation of Nepalese Chamber